Mangochi First Grade Magistrate’s Court has today convicted and sentenced Nuru Mustafa, 25, and Noel Maonga, 25, to 5-years imprisonment with hard labour each for stealing learning gadgets worth K66.5 million at St. Augustine 3 Primary School within the township.
During court proceedings, state prosecutor Sub Inspector Maggie Chibulire narrated that, the duo on the wee hours of February 5, 2024 broke into one of the school’s blocks which is used to keep valuable learning materials and went away with 43 tablets, 43 headsets, and charger savers which were donated to the school by Voluntary Service Overseas(VSO).
Prosecutor Chibulire added that, the matter was reported to police where a team of detectives swiftly responded and successfully arrested the duo on the same day at Chiponde Trading Centre and later recovered all the stolen items.
Appearing in court the duo pleaded guilty to the charges of breaking into building and committing a felony there in asked for court’s leniency citing that they are too young to be jailed.
In his submission prosecutor Chibulire reminded the court that the two are bad omens to the society hence the need to impose custodial sentences to deter would be offenders.
Passing sentence First Grade Magistrate Roy Kakutu concurred with the state hence sentenced each to 5-years imprisonment with hard labour.
Mustafa hails from Mtalimanja village, while Maonga comes from Samama, both in Traditional Authority Mponda in the District
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