Lilongwe Police is keeping in custody two suspected con artists for defrauding a certain business man of K750 thousand after posing themselves as genuine business persons who wanted to venture into a partnership with the victim to supply Guineafowl drugs to an unknown livestocks’ drug dealer in the Capital City, which in the end would have profited them K14 million.

The suspects have been identified as Dauson Aaron, 38, and Allan Kambani, 58.

According to Lilongwe Police station spokesperson Inspector Hastings Chigalu it is said that on February 2, this year the suspects invited the victim through a telephone call for a meeting near Crossroads Hotel where they introduced themselves as business persons who wanted someone to partner with, to supply charcoal to a certain orphanage centre.

“The suspects, who were at that time in possession of two small fake branded guineafowl drug tins, further suggested to the victim if he could also finance the supply of the drugs to an unknown business man who was in urgent need of the same at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC).

“Without realizing that the men were tricksters, the victim paid them K100 thousand for the two small tins, purportedly containing guineafowl drugs”, said Chigalu.

He then left for his home, Msiliza, with one of the suspects (Kambani), where he also gave him additional K650 thousand as his contribution towards the instant money making business venture.

However, same day, the victim’s attempts to contact the suspects through their cellphones to meet at Crossroads Hotel as agreed, proved futile. They could not be traced.

This is when the victim knew that he was duped and reported the matter at Area 3 Police.

Chigalu says the suspects, who were rescued from the jaws of angry residents who bayed for their blood after being apprehended at Mstiliza on Monday, admitted to have committed the offence.

They also disclosed that apart from the victim, they have duped other business men in a similar fashion within the Capital City.

They will appear in court soon to answer applicable charges.

Meanwhile, police in Lilongwe is advised residents and visitors to always be cautious whenever approached by strangers on business matters to avoid falling prey to such traps.

Dauson Aaron hails from Nkhuku Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) ChikuT, Mulanje, whilst Allan Kambale comes from Mwambeni Village, T/A Jenala in Phalombe District.

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