Zumani banda - MRM

By Joshua Morishu – FaceofMalawi Reporter

A nothern region of Malawi based group called the Moto Revolutionary Movement (MRM) has asked president Bingu Wa Mutharika to step down within days and failing to do so, it will use force to remove him from his office.

Leader of the group Zuman Banda disclosed this in an interview and appealed to all Malawians, NGO’S and all political parties in the country to continue pressurising Mutharika for him to step down and go back to his home area Ndata farm.
However,Banda said the economic engineer has let down the people of both United kingdom,United States of America and Malawi.
Banda said, the professor man has failed to address the two countries concern over economic management and good governance.
On governance issues Banda said his group is very concerned over the suppression of demonstrations, intimidation of civil society organisations and the passing of the injunctions bill.
He however blamed Mutharika for expelling British high commissioner to Malawi, Fergus Cochrane Dyet as his administration says china can easily take over the responsibilities.
On the part of economy, he said Malawians are concerned that the overvalued exchange rate has created chronic foreign exchange
Shortages which are having a serious impact on private sectors ability to drive future growth. He also noted with concern that the now daily fuel queue and Malawi is off-track with its IMF programme
He therefore ordered the president to immediately resigns or face a ‘weapon of mass destruction,’said Zuman Banda; Bingu is a failure and he has divided our country. This should be the end of the road for him,’ he concluded.

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