A transgender Maryland teenager has been arrested for allegedly planning a mass shooting at two schools in a twisted effort to become “famous.”

Alex Ye, 18, of Rockville, whose legal name is Andrea, was arrested Wednesday and charged with threatening mass violence after allegedly authoring the 129-page document the suspect referred to as a “memoir,”

Authorities said the writing was about committing mass shootings at Wootton High School, which Ye had attended online, and at Lakewood Elementary School

Ye allegedly told his former school counselor that he wanted to become “famous from this event,” according to the outlet.

The student had claimed the memoir was a work of fiction  which included a disclaimer that it doesn’t “represent the author’s beliefs”  but a person with whom the student shared the document alerted authorities because it bore “striking similarities” to the writer.

The witness believed Ye , who is biologically female though identifies as male, was prepared to carry out the attacks shortly, according to the news outlet.

“I want to shoot up a school. I’ve been preparing for months. The gun is an AR-15. This gun is going to change lives tomorrow.

As I walk through the hallways, I cherry pick the classrooms that are the easiest targets.

Source:New York Post

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