Phalombe first grade magistrate court has sentenced 6 people to two years imprisonment with hard labor for cutting down trees carelessly in the forest.

The police spokesperson Sub inspector Dingiswayo Mbepula told the court that the convicts were reported to the police on 29th of April this year after the forest guard found them cutting trees carelessly

The convicts accepted the case and berg the court to forgive them because it is their first time to commit the crime.

But the mbepula said they must go to jail for other people to learn a lesson.

However, the magistrate Leonard Mtosa agreed with the mbepula and sentenced the convicts to two years imprisonment with hard labor for carelessly cutting down trees and another two years for using forest things without consent

The convicts are ; Alfred Kalinde 20, David Mpote 18, Blessings Courage 23,Peter James 25, Chikondi Mkumbira 28 and Evance Gowero 40.

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