Information reaching this publication indicates that United Transformation Movement (UTM) Secretary General Patricia Kaliati this morning confronted Democeratic Progressive Party (DPP) Councillor Leonard Chimbanga over an open letter posted on his official facebook page trashing an apology offered to Malawians over the failed Tonse Alliance promises.

On Sunday, UTM held a public rally at Chinamwali in Zomba where Kaliati apologized to Malawians for not fulfilling some of the campaign promises ahead of the 2020 fresh presidential polls.

“Tinkanena kuti anthu adzadya katatu ndi Ife, Omwe ananena za ma mega farm ndi Ife, Tikuvomela kuti ndi Ife, omwe tinkati feteleza mudzagula wotchipa. Tikuti pepani, wapakaliyala samaimba belo,” she said.

But in his response Chimbanga through an open letter said Kaliati is not being sincere with her apology as her party is still in Alliance with the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) of President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

The open letter did not go down well with Kaliati who called Chimbanga this morning regarding the content of the letter.

Chimbanga confirmed of the development in a statement posted on his official facebook page seen by this publication.

“This morning, I received a call from Hon. Patricia Kaliati, the Secretary General of UTM. She asked, with a chuckle, if I didn’t have her number since I had to resort to writing her an open letter.”Iwe Leonard kodi ulibe phone number yanga kuti uzindilembera kalata yakoyo kuika pa social media”We shared a laugh before she asked about the contents of my letter, to which I confidently affirmed that I stood by every word.

“I must admit, she is remarkably humble to even consider making that phone call yet powerful woman, and I hold her in high regard. She explained what truly happened at the rally, noting that the media had twisted her words. I appreciated her clarification, which helped me understand the real story,” wrote Chimbanga.

He added: “I plan to write my thoughts on our discussion soon, focusing on the Tonse Alliance coalition government agreement, and why I think this alliance has given Malawians a raw deal.

“Everything I write on this page is out of love for our country. Palibenso kuganiza kuti ndimadana Ndi munthu ayi. I believe in our great republic.”

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