Police in Chiradzulu have arrested a 17 year-old boy on suspicion of allegedly killing a 33-year-old teacher at Goleka primary school and stabbing Wilfred Manyamba.

Spokesperson for Chiradzulu police Cosmas Kagulo has confirmed the crime and refused to disclose suspect’s name due to legal issues but he has identified the deceased teacher as Shadreck Banda.

According to Kagulo, the suspect committed the offence in the early hours of Monday this week in the village of Walala chief Likoswe.

Shadreck Banda (the late) is from the village of Lungucha chief Likoswe and Wilfred Manyamba is from the village of Joliji chief Mpama in the district.

“The two people were attending a funeral at night and they decided to have a drink somewhere else and while on the road they met this young man carrying a bag on his head and when they asked him he said he was carrying a pig”, Kagulo said.

Kagulo said that the father asked to see what the boy was carrying but he ran away and took a knife from his house where it was nearby and stabbed the two.

He said Mr. Banda died while receiving hospital treatment for serious injuries.

The spokesman said that the boy will soon appear in court and face charges of murder and grievous bodily harm.

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