When the former President of the republic, Bakili Muluzi, said that he would distribute shoes to Malawians once voted into power, a few doubted him. Anyway, the man has a tongue that could make a few doubt him.

However, when years later he came back to recant his promise claiming he could not know the shoe sizes of all Malawians and added insult to an injury by claiming that Malawians were insane to have believed that, many lost hope in Muluzi and eventually the shoe politics.

However, state President Joyce Banda has just proven that Muluzi did not lie but was constrained by time most probably.

The state President today did the graceful honour of fulfilling Muluzi’s promises when she distributed shoes to people in Chileka. About 400 pairs of shoes have been distributed.

Talk of an year of elections. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

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