The campaign has sent party leaders’ tongues on the loose. Just a day after getting a chastisement for using the state broadcaster as a personal estate in the same manner as the other political parties did in the past when themselves had promised a change, Presidential adviser on political affairs and press officer, Wakuda Kamanga, has coe under heavy criticism again for denying the hunger situation in the country.

Speaking to a local radio station, the ex-DPP general secretary who had been tearing into his former party President just the other day claimed that it was a lie that Malawi was experiencing a food shortage.

His remarks have come at a time when there is documented evidence that about five prisoners died of starvation at Lilongwe’s Maula prison and some other five people had died in the Central region district of Dedza due to the same starvation.

Kamanga, however, dismissed that as a lie and said that in as far as him was concerned death was a punishment imposed on mankind by God as laid down in the Bible and has nothing to do with the PP regime or food shortage.

Commentators appear to have been irritated by Kamanga’s comments and have gone further to condemn his remarks that appear to be a denial of what is the reality on the ground.

The Joyce Banda led regime has been accused of hoarding maize so that they use for campaigning. At the moment, it has been said, some of the maize is being used by its shadow MPs for campaigning.

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