A mother identified as Lilian Matako is still in police custody after being accused of brutally beating eating her child severe.

According to spokesperson for Balaka Police, Gladson M’bumpha, Matako was arrested on 6July 2024.

It is reported that Matako committed the offence on June 28 this year and believed to have beaten her 9-year-old daughter (Name withheld) who studies in Standard 3 at Ngwangwa Primary School.

The girl says that on the stated date, her mother accused her that she stolee K2000 money that Mr. Matako had left at home when he went to the his business.

After being questioned, the gir accepted the accusation and admitted that she took the money.

However, Matako and the other two boys, tied the girl’s legs and hands to a tree and started pouring her water mixed with buffalo beans on her.

The child’s uncle is the one who contacted the police today, on July 6, and the woman is expected to appear in court soon.

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