Police at Limbe in Blantyre have arrested arrested 28-year-old man on the suspicion that he has been defrauding people by lying to them about increasing their money through magic.

Public relations officer for Limbe police Aubrey Singanyama, has confirmed the rrest and identified the suspect as Rodrick Kaliwo.

According to Singanyama, Kaliwo took K60,000 from a businessman by lying to him that he would increase it to K900,000 in just two hours.

When it failed, the suspect told the businessman to take dirt from the newly dug grave, which surprised him and then he reported to the police.

When the police arrived at Kaliwo’s house, they found various things that he was lying to people that he was a traditional healer.

Kaliwo was also arrested in a similar case and he is now in police custody.

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