Some youths from the United Transformation Movement (UTM) have invaded the house of the State Vice President Dr. Michael Beziwick Usi protesting against the ongoing alliance with the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

The disgruntled youths say they don’t want UTM alliance with MCP to continue ahead of the 2025 polls.

The youths have carried placards with messages like; ‘Alliance inatha after 21 days’, ‘No alliance with MCP’, ‘Ife a UTM ayi Alliance ndi MCP’, ‘Central committee listen to voices of Malawi’.

In the video clip currently circulating on the social media, UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati is seen pleading with the youths to leave Usi’s premises.

But the youths protested the plea.

UTM top officials led by Kaliati and Michael Usi are scheduled to hold the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting to map the way forward on the Alliance.

The top officials are also scheduled to discuss the venue and dates for convention.

More details to follow

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