United Transformation Movement (UTM) supporters have stormed Kameza roundabout in Blantyre to welcome State Vice President Dr. Michael Usi.

The development comes barely days after UTM led by the party’s Secretary General Patricia Kaliati announced its pull out from the Tonse Alliance of President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

The supporters who are clad in UTM regalia have forced Usi to stop at Kameza and speak to them before proceeding to Blantyre.

In his speech Usi promised to continue supporting Chakwera in fulfilling the country’s agenda.

“Mayi akamaphika nsima phala limatentha ndipo lina limagwera pansi koma mayi samasiya mthiko. Inenso mthiko uli ndi ine ndipo sindisiya kuphika,” said Usi.

Usi is coming to Blantyre for official duties.

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