One of the rights activist Bon Kalindo who is also President of the Malawi First pressure group has threatened to hold demonstrations against Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC), Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) and National Registration Bureau (NRB) over electoral registration and new tax measures.

Kalindo revealed this during a media briefing in the capital Lilongwe on Wednesday.

MRA is rolling out the excise tax stamps on various products in a bid to boost revenue collection and curb consumption of goods hazardous to health.

The group however, is arguing that the initiative will hurt businesses and has demanded suspension of its implementation to pave way for consultations.

Kalindo also said they oppose the use of national identity cards in electoral registration demanding the use of other alternatives such as birth certificates.

“We therefore give MRA, NRB, MEC and Malawi Government 10 days to look into these pertinent issues affecting Malawians.

“Malawi First will have no other options but to call for nationwide demonstrations,” said Kalindo, reading from a statement.


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