A 20-year-old man from Airstrip Compound in Mazabuka in Zambia has been acquitted by the District Magistrate Court in a case where he was accused of sodomizing a 7-year-old girl.

It is reported that the man identified as Bright Ngenda was accused of having unlawful carnal knowledge of a child against the order of nature on March 12, 2024.

Facts before the court revealed that the girl’s mother had sent her to buy plastics, where she met Ngenda, who was selling the items.

When the girl presented a K2 note for the plastics, he told her to return to her mother and then come back so he could send her to buy water.

Upon her return, he directed her to use a certain road leading to the rail line, where he allegedly sodomized her.

In passing judgment, Senior Resident Magistrate Edward Chisanga stated that there was no corroboration in the identification of the accused.

He added that apart from the victim, no other person saw Ngenda with the girl.

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