State Vice President Dr. Michael Usi who is also President of the United Transformation Movement (UTM) has said he is not ready to leave the Tonse Alliance.

Usi said this when addressing UTM supporters gathered at Mudi Residence in Blantyre after finishing his tour of Ndirande Market where he interacted with vendors.

In his speech Usi said he has not time to engage in fighting with another UTM camp being led by the Party’s Secretary General Patricia Kaliati.

“A Secretary General Patricia Kaliati abwela week yatha nkumakambiran nyumba umu kuzayankhula ndine zabwino and ine nkumati kukhala siuku?. Omwewo akuchoka kupita Mzuzu and zomwe tikumvanzo ineso kudabwa kuti aaa Akweni ndinunomwe? queried Usi.

Usi went further to say that he will not fight back with the Kaliati’s camp but rather call for dialogue.

“Tonse ndife anakamodzi. A Chilima anamwalila ali m’boma and ineyo kuti ndichoke kukhala kulakwisa kwakulu chifukwa komwe bwanga aliko tikakamuna akandifunsa za zomwe ndapanga nkasowa choyankha,” said Usi.

He said he will remain in Tonse Alliance up until the dreams of Chilima for Malawians are fulfilled.

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