The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has accused President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of practicing nepotism in the recruitment of police officers.

The claims by DPP follows a pass out parade held on Friday last week in all police training schools in the country with the main event being held at Mtakataka.

In a statement signed by DPP spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba seen by this publication, the party claimed that out of 2001 police officers, 1222 came from central region.

Namalomba said 459 newly recruited police officers came from Southern region while the remaining 320 officers came from the North.

“This is clear indication that President Chakwera is prioritizing regionalism and tribalism over meritocracy and fairness.

“The DPP condemns this shameless display of nepotism in the strongest terms possible,” reads in part the statement signed by Namalomba.

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