The Minister of Education, Hon. Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima M.P. has today 30th July, presided over the launch of Link Community Development Malawi project in at Crossroads hotel in Lilongwe

The initiative which is said to be “Scaling-up innovative Gender Inclusion and Safeguarding Approaches with the evidence from Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia, is there to support  ministry of education to scale-up innovations that have been done tto benefit all learners across the country.

“has been has an innovative approach that will demonstrate potential to deliver on my Ministry’s mandate of developing the much-needed human capital, as an enabler for socio-economic development of the country to achieve the Malawi Agenda 2063”, said Wirima

Among others the project’s objective include to mobilise and disseminate knowledge on best practices of Gender Equality, Inclusion and Safeguarding (GEIS) innovation scale up to improve education policy and practice.

According to Wirima the launch has backed the project by saying that it will enhance education outcomes in Malawi as it is linked with education policies of not leaving learner behind.

Country Director for  Link Community Harlod Kuombola, has disclosed that the research has several phases but the whole project will complete in space of three years.

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