Is it for the love of the party, pure thirst or just some moment of fun, and even clear naivety?

DPP supporters who had accompanied their party President, Peter Mutharika, and his running mate, Saulos Chilima, to submit their papers for the 2014 race were caught on camera helping themselves to the water of the swimming pool at Ryalls hotel as the leader of the party and his running mate addressed the press.

The supporters who had brought Blantyre to a standstill as they accompanied their combination of what they believe to be the winning team had travelled, on foot, from the trade fair grounds to the hotel and, most likely, had failed to survive the thirst that had hit them.

The picture below tells a better story:

Let me drink from the 'sea' of life - the bent woman must have said before quenching her thirst
Let me drink from the ‘sea’ of life – the bent woman must have said before quenching her thirst
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