Reports coming in from Mzimba South West which had to be represented by Vice President, Khumbo Kachali, indicate that the Vice President who also happens to be the only surviving Vice President of the PP as voted for by people at the convention has withdrawn his application forms as an aspiring MP for the constituency on a PP ticket.

The action has come a day after President Banda officially announced that she was not taking along Kachali as her running mate in the May polls and will, in turn, opt for the youthful ministry of Industry and Trade, Sosten Gwengwe.

It has been revealed that this morning, Kachali went to withdraw his earlier application papers and has filed for new ones on an independent ticket and, thereby, technically declaring that he is no longer a member of the Peoples’ Party (PP).

Kachali who had posted this morning that he will be making a statement on his political future has been said to be consulting on his next move aside standing as an MP in the area he has been representing before he had to surrender the seat as he ascended to the seat of Vice Presidency.

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