A 14 year old girl of Lusaka’s matero township in Zambia has been taken to Court for the alleged murder of her benefactor’s five-year old son, whom she hit on the head with a stone.
It is alleged that the girl murdered Lukando Moono on October 27, 2023.
The girl who is a grade six pupil appeared before magistrate George Njobvu for explanation of the charge.
Magistrate Njobvu could however not explain the charge to the girl due to the absence of her close relatives.
He also directed authorities to subject the girl for age determination.
The matter was adjourned to August 28 to allow the girl’s mother to travel from Kaoma.
According to reports in relation to the death, the girl’s aunt who sells snacks at Chingwere cemetery and did piece work for the boy’s mother, asked her to take in the girl and enroll her in school, so that she could not miss the bus on the free education introduced government.
The boys mother was kind enough to accept the request and took the girl in like her own child.
It was reported that on the material day around 17: 00 hours the boy’s mother before stepping out of the house for an errand, asked the girl to make some tea for her son since he did not want to play with his friends.
Upon returning home after 30 minutes, the woman noticed that her son was not home and girl was seated alone outside the house.
Upon inquiring from the girl about the whereabouts of her son, the 14-year old claimed that he had gone to play with his friends.
The woman later learned from the neighbors that her son was spotted at the graveyard and he was seemingly attacked by delinquent youths.
The neighbors advised the woman to check on her son at Matero level one hospital to which she rushed to the hospital, only to be greeted with the sad news of her son’s death.
It was reported that the woman went back home and quizzed the girl who expressed ignorance about his whereabouts, and maintained that she had left the boy playing with his friends when she went to buy jiggies.
According to sources the girl confessed to having hit the boy with a stone on his head on their way home from visiting her aunt at the cemetery.
It is reported that the boy’s crime was expressing hatred towards the girl, when he proposed that she should go back to her village in Kaoma, where they cook vegetables without oil.
The girl allegedly got incensed and pushed the little human who fell to the ground to which she picked a stone which she used to hit him twice on the head.
After noticing that blood was oozing from Lukando’s ears the girl allegedly shook him but he was unresponsive.
It is further alleged that the girl whilst in panic mode left him at the cemetery and rushed to a nearby house where she asked for water to wash her hands.
Copied:Zambia Today
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