Dr. Gift Kawalazira, Director of Health and Social Services for Blantyre District, has raised concerns over the rising number of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among the youth.

Speaking at the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHES) during an inter-college social weekend supported by FPAM and the Blantyre DHO, Kawalazira noted that HIV/AIDS infections are particularly prevalent among young people.

FPAM Project Coordinator, Vincent Sinda, has attributed the vulnerability of youth to their exploratory stage in life, which has contributed to the rise in infections.

In response, the organization provided free sexual and reproductive health services during the event which has ended today.

KUHES Entertainment Director, Ganga Baxter, praised FPAM and the Blantyre DHO for offering these services, noting that they empower students to make informed decisions.


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