Civil and human rights activists have called upon the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to disqualify President Joyce Banda and her running mate, Sosten Gwengwe, from the May 20 tripartite elections.

The activists, Habiba Osman, Mavuto Bamusi and Billy Mayaya argue President Banda and Gwengwe have failed to meet constitutional requirements by failing to resign from their offices as stipulated under Section 80 Subsection 7 of the Republican Constitution.

The section states that no person shall be eligible for nomination as a candidate for election as President if that person is the holder of a public office or a Member of Parliament, unless that person first resigns.

So far, it is President Banda’s Gwengwe’s running mate, Sosten Gwengwe, who resigned from his seat as a Member of Parliament for Dedza Central.

When questioned on the fact that this has been happening before with the other leaders, the CSO leaders argued that just because some leaders in the past violated the constitution then it does not mean that Malawians should just sit and watch while the constitution is being violated just because somebody did it in the past.

The human rights activist have further argued that this time around that the Vice President, Khumbo Kachali, is not vying for the Presidency then it could have been easier for the President to resign and the Vice would have taken over.

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