Malawi Law Society (MLS) has suspended its planned nationwide demonstrations scheduled for tomorrow to create room for further engagement with stakeholders, including the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC).

MLS says the decision follows a communication from OPC that it received the draft Bills and that Cabinet Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs is also meeting tomorrow to consider them.

“In light of the above movements which are on record on the matter as seen against the remainder of the period before the current sitting of Parliament rises on 20th September 2024, and; in order to pave way for due cabinet and Parliamentary legal process under section 96(2) of the Constitution as read with the timelines and management thereof in Standing Orders 121, 125 and 126, the executive committee has decided to keep the demonstrations on hold,” reads a memo dated September 10 2024 which MLS has written to its members.

The memo also says MLS wants to engage further directly with OPC and other stakeholders given the commitments to the society contained in the OPC letter of September 9, 2024.

The society announced its intention last week to go into the streets to hold accountable the Ministry of Justice for the continued delays to table the three draft Judiciary Bills in Parliament.


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