As one way of lessening the burden that parents and guardians go through when a child is selected to Secondary School, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Shadow member of Parliament for Blantyre Rural  South East Constituency Alfred Chapulapula has donated bags to 120 students from 20 schools in Blantyre rural worthy MK10 million.

The handover ceremony took place at Naotcha Primary School in Chilobwe Township in the commercial capital Blantyre and it was full of pomp.

Speaking after the handover ceremony Chapulapula said he thought of supporting the said learners as one way of motivating them.

“Today i have donated bags to the students as one way of encouragement to the students that they should continue working hard in class. I started this exercise three years ago and am doing this from the bottom of my heart.

“It must be noted also that this is apolitical and thus why you did not see any political color,” said Chapulapula while promising to continue with the exercise.

On his part, Group Village Headman Chilobwe hailed Chapulapula for the donated and urged other well-wishers in the country to do so.

“This is a very welcome development as it will act as a motivation to the students to go far with education,” said Group Village Headman Chilobwe while praising Chapulapula for a kind heart.

Speaking on behalf of all the selected students Annie Nselemu applauded Chapulapula for the timely support.

“This gift has come at the right time as it has lessen the burden to my parents who will now only focus on searching for schools fees, buying me groceries as i prepare for school,” said Nselema who has been selected to Lunzu Secondary School in Blantyre.

First term for the 2024-25 education calendar year opens on September 16, 2024.

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