Police at Jenda in Mzimba have arrested a 27-year-old mother Brenda Jere, on allegation that she was offering for sell her 11-year-old son for 2 million kwacha at Khosolo.

Brenda was arrested by members of community policing on September 21, 2024 after the business man who pretended to be the buyer reported the issue to members of the community and later to Police.

It is alleged that the mother on September 12, 2024 received K150, 000 through her Airtel mobile money account, carrying a message that it was miracle money and she was being invited to join the church.

The woman withdrew the money, K100, 000 she paid for Cadecom loan, K30,000 paid for a village bank loan and K20,000 she used it at her home

It has been established that since she got the money she hasn’t been feeling ok as she didn’t join the church and the owner needed the money back.

In order to pay back the money, she then offered her son for sell to a business man at Khosolo at a price of 2 million kwacha to which the buyer negotiated down to 1.5 million kwacha.

The buyer advised her to bring the son at his shop around 9:00 AM on September 21, 2024 to close the deal.

However, the buyer had already informed members of community policing on the impending illegal activity.

Upon bringing the son into the shop for the deal, she was apprehended by community policing members who later informed the Police at Luwerezi of the incident.

The mother has been charged with selling a child contrary to section 82 of the child care, protection and justice Act.

Brenda Jere who hails from Satiele Jere village, Traditional Authority Khosolo in Mzimba district, will be taken to court upon completion of paper work to answer her charges.

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