Life in Zambia, already under the heavy cloud of hunger, poverty, high unemployment, and citizen misery, is about to get worse in terms of the cost of living and rising prices, warns former president Edgar Lungu.

Mr Lungu said this is due to the government’s decision, as announced by ERB, to allow ZESCO to implement an emergency electricity tariff for both industrial and domestic customers.

The former Head of State said the decision will negatively affect “your home, my home, and our businesses.”

“The golden rule is that when the cost of electricity rises just like diesel and petrol prices of basic commodities and food such as mealie meal, cooking oil, sugar, fertilizer, meat, vegetables, rentals, and transport automatically rise in tandem with the cost of energy. Our citizens carry and pay the harsh price,” he said.

“While ZESCO’s tariff hike will exponentially push the cost of living higher for the majority of Zambians, most employers, including the government itself, will not increase monthly wages. This policy is cruel, as the government believes it is fair to milk small goats (citizens) all day without giving them any food or water.”

Mr Lungu said the saddest part is that the tariff hike, according to ERB and ZESCO, is meant to raise money to import power and reduce the prolonged load shedding.

He however argued that prolonged load shedding is caused by ZESCO’s decision to export 250 megawatts of electricity to neighboring countries, leaving Zambians in total darkness.

The former president said the rationale behind this tariff hike is unpatriotic, inhumane, and truly shameful.
“As you brace for more poverty and suffering, fellow Zambians, I urge you to remain steadfast and keep your eyes on the 2026 polls. Vote for leadership that will increase energy and food security rather than pursue exploitative exports. Let me conclude by offering a word of hope: Sometimes, dark skies are just clouds passing over,” he said.

“I firmly believe that Zambians are wise and informed and will act prudently by voting out this failed UPND leadership in 2026.”

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