A group of eleven women has lodged a complaint with the office of Chief Justice Rezine Mzikamanda against a child justice magistrate Diana Kwangwala Mangwana, accusing her of being compromised to the alleged extent of meting out questionable judgments.

In the letter deposited with the Chief Justice signed by Pilirani Mombe, the women list a litany of allegations against the magistrate and demand that the Judicial Service Commission, which the Chief Justice chairs, probe rulings by Magwana going back two years.

“We, Malawian women, are writing to your office with full belief that you have the powers of making sure that your courts are operating in a just manner,” reads a part of the complaint.

The women claim that the Child Protection Court favor men in instances where husbands and wives differ on custody of children and property when married couples resort to divorce.


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