A 46-year old man identified as Jeremiah Maluwa of Maloya Village, Traditional Authority Maganga in Salima district has died at Chipoka Health Centre where he was referred for medical attention after being shot.
According to information shared by police, the deceased was travelling in a Toyota Sienta Reg No- NN 9609 driven by Ignacio Gostino, 39, of Kanjobvu Village, Traditional Authority Kachindamoto in Dedza District and he failed to comply with an order to stop for searching at Chipoka Road block.
It has been indicated that the incident happened on 7th December, 2024 at the said road block.
“At around 18:30 hrs the Police officers received a tip that the above mentioned motor vehicle was carrying illegal goods from Salima and going towards Golomoti and information through searching was being conducted on all vehicles,” it reads.
After the suspected motor vehicle arrived at the road block with nine occupants, two officers were there manning the road and after the vehicle was stopped for a search, the driver didn’t comply and engaged speed going towards the barrier where the road was closed.
“At that time one officer Chisomo Kundwe was standing behind the cone, and the vehicle went towards her speed of which she jumped off from the road to avoid being hit and the vehicle proceeded after hitting the cone,” it revealed.
Thereafter, Constable Kelvin Newa who was armed with K2C rifle fired two shots in the air to warn the driver to stop but he didn’t and continued speeding away.
“Finally, the rank fired another shot aiming at the tyres of the vehicle but accidently missed the target and the bullet entered through the back windscreen where it landed on the left back side shoulder of the deceased.
Meanwhile, the driver is still in police custody for further investigations and a bag containing about 50 KG of Cannabis Sativa was found at the scene of incident.
The body has been identified by relatives and it is still at Salima District Hospital mortuary pending postmortem examination today Monday, 9th December, 2024.