Police in Dowa have arrested Malita Kalirani, 66, from Lavu Village, Traditional Authority Chiwere, for allegedly killing her biological mother, Nadimba Kalirani, by striking her on the head and chest with a hammer.
According to Dowa Police spokesperson Alice Sitima, the incident occurred on the night of January 8, 2025, around 10 PM.
“Malita Kalirani, who lived with her mother, reportedly went out to drink locally brewed kachasu. Upon returning home, she struck the deceased with a hammer and another metal object, targeting her head and chest,” Sitima explained.
Neighbors alerted Mvera Police, who responded swiftly and transported the victim to a local hospital. Unfortunately, medical officials confirmed that she had succumbed to severe injuries to her head and chest.
Kalirani is in police custody and is expected to appear in court soon to answer charges related to the murder.