Police in Rumphi have arrested Golie Munthali, 36, of Kalulumira village under Traditional Authority Katumbi for allegedly assaulting his elder brother over witchcraft accusations.

District police spokesperson Noel Kamchenga says Munthali is suspected to have commited the offence on January 8, 2025.

Police say the suspect was staying at Mchengautuwa in Mzuzu where he was doing business.

Whilst there, he started suffering from epilepsy and sugar disease which he strongly believed was bewitched by his elder brother at his home village.

He then went to his village and assaulted his brother using a panga knife. The victim sustained deep cuts and was rushed to Katowo health centre where he was referred to Rumphi district hospital where he is recieving treatment.

Source: Zodiak Online