Nkhoma Synod of the Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP) has written People’s Party (PP) running mate Sosten Gwengwe, asking him to apologize over the remarks he made on a rally held at Chief Mazengela in Lilongwe.

Gwengwe who was speaking in vernacular language, is said to have spoken about how Malawi Congress Party(MCP) President Lazarus Chakwera ditched his former, CCAP church to join the Assemblies of God after the Church had given him the scholarship to study theology abroad.

In his reaction, Gwengwe said he would be a fool to fight with the Clergy.

“I am yet to receive the letter, but I have no problem in extending my apology”, he said.

The letter bearing the signature of Nkhoma Synod moderator Dr Chatha Msangambe and Synod Senior Clerk Brian Kamwendo, copied to Gwengwe ,Chakwera and the Malawi Assemblies of God, says they are disassociating themselves from Gwengwe’s remarks as he is neither an official spokesperson nor Communicant Church member.

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