Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) Presidential hopeful come May 20 ,Peter Mutharika on Wednesday with his running mate Saulos Chilima invaded Songani in Zomba  which is believed to be the Peoples Party’s home.

Mutharika took most of his time explaining to the people who graced the rally why he thought of choosing Chilima to be his running mate.

“Chilima is a young man who has proved himself in the private sector.

“He is capable and I want someone who can run the state affairs if am away or indeed I am sick, this is the confidence that I have in my running mate”, said Mutharika.

He said his Party’s vision is to form good relationship with the private sector because he believes that private sector is a key driver of economic growth if well supported.

Mutharika also assured the people of Zomba that the much awaited Zomba-Blantyre road which started during the reign of the late Bingu Wa Mutharika will be finalized by the DPP government after the May 20 polls.

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