Barely few days after successfully launching its manifesto at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC), the opposition  Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) which is one of the strong contenders in the forthcoming tripartite election is today a expected to storm Lilongwe with a whistle stop rallies.

 DPP on Sunday unveiled its electoral manifesto with a declaration of commitment to lead Malawi to prosperity after the country’s May 20 tripartite polls.

 DPP running mate Saulos Chilima Writing through his facebook page, he said the whistle stop tour will start from Nsinja North Constituency at Mitundu Primary School ground, Nsinja South Constituncy at Dickson Trading Centre, Lilongwe South Constituency at Phirilanjuzi, Lilongwe Mapuyu Constituency at Ming’ongo and Mapuyu North Constituency at St.Gabriel (Namitete).

 The country is expected to hold its first ever tripartite election on May 20.

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