Malawi’s state owned Presidential Jet was not sold as the country’s population was made to believe. The nation’s pride is in fact on a lease agreement between acting President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda and the controversial South African based arms dealer, Ivor Ichokowitz we can confidently reveal.

According to the agreement between Mrs Banda and Mr Ichikowitz, the interim Malawian leader receives US$100,000 from Paramount Group of Companies, the alleged ‘buyer’ of the plane.

Paramount Group of Company is a conglomerate owned by the Ichikowitz family whose subsidiary company, Bohnox Enterprises, a firm registered in the British Virgin Islands allegedly bought the plane.

However, we have established that Malawi’s Presidential Jet a Dassault Falcon 900EX is currently in South Africa hired out to VIPs by the jet company Fortune Air, another of Paramount Group of Companies associates.


We have established interim Malawi President Mrs Joyce Banda gets US$100,000 every month for leasing out the plane to Paramount Group.
On the night on the 15th/16th March, 2014, Ahmed Kassam a British national travelling on Personal Passport Number; 503403843 landed here in Malawi at Chileka International Airport in a charted jet from Abuja, a Hawker 2 Bravo with South African registration number ZS-CAG.

He had just met Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan before flying into Malawi.

His pilot was Captain Riccardo Talevi who was assisted by his co-pilot Athas Karatzas.

Kassam, brought into the country supplies for rigging materials for the May 20th Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Elections.

We also further established that apart from delivering the said materials, he also brought cash into the country.

The money was interim President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda’s cut from the Malawi Presidential Jet ‘sales’.

We revealed that at least 3 of the 7 boxes that were offloaded from the charted private jet that landed at Chileka International Airport in the awe hours of that Sunday, contained crispy notes of United States Dollars.

We have since established the money contained in those boxes was US$300,000 for Mrs Banda’s monthly cuts of US$100,000 each for January, February and March, 2014.

The boxes also contained some additional cash amount from Mr Ivor Ichikowitz as part of his personal contributions towards Mrs Banda’s political campaign.

According to our State House sources, Mrs Banda had not collected her cut for the above listed months. The last time she got cash from Ivor Ichikowitz was in December, 2013 when she had gone to South Africa during the funeral of former South African icon, late Nelson Mandela.

Following the landing of the jet at Chileka Aiport at night, a Limbe based Malawian of Asian origin (name withheld) has confirmed having changed huge sums of dollars into Malawi Kwacha on more than 3 occasions now for the acting Malawian leader.


Last year, acting President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda was discovered to have been using Malawi Government money chartering the very same Presidential Jet that the government allegedly sold. The plane was re-branded and registered as ZS-FC1.

This was in fact, a ploy by Mrs Banda to milk the Malawi Government money with the full knowledge that the money was getting into her pockets through these monthly cuts we have established.

In February this year, one of interim President Joyce Banda’s sons Roy Kachale flew to the People’s Republic of China on the same Presidential Jet from South Africa for shopping with a girlfriend.

The Jet, a Dassault Falcon 900 EX was bought by the administration of late President Bingu Wa Mutharika at US$22 million and allegedly ‘sold’ by acting leader Mrs Banda at US$15 million to her South African based crooked businessman, Ivor Ichokowitz. According to Malawi’s Finance Minister Dr Maxwell Mkwezalamba, no single penny of the supposedly ‘sold’ plane reached the Malawi Government coffers.

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