Barely a week after Health authorities turn down a donation from United Democratic Front (UDF) due to what they called orders from Malawi Electoral Commission(MEC) that Political Parties are not allowed to make a any donation to public hospitals,it has been transpired that President Joyce Banda whose is People’s Party(PP), Presidential candidate is making the donation in the restricted sector, the thing which has not gone down well with the opposition.

Banda was seen donating ambulance in various hospitals in the country.

When approached for comment, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), spokesperson Nicholas Dausi described this as unfair on the part of the Ministry.

“They are playing double standards. We’re in a democracy; ministry of health and its officials should not be used as pawns in a game of poker.” he said.

Dausi claims that the government has completely collapsed which is why this is happening.

Jessie Kabwila who is Malawi Congress Party (MCP) spokesperson said the ministry is facing a lot of problems and needs to put the interests of people as first priority.

The ministry of health denied K3million from Atupele Muluzi  meant to help major referral hospitals in the country.

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