The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC)  Chief Executive Officer Linda Phiri has announced the suspension of 27 contractors who are allegedly involved in the plundering of public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed cash gate.

She disclosed this in an interview  with a local newspaper.

“NCIC has its disciplinary rules that are appended to the National Construction Industry Act, Cap 53:05 of the Laws of Malawi. Paragraph 4 of these rules mandate the Council to call upon any member whose conduct has been complained of or who is under investigation to file within 10 days an explanation in answer to the complaint or investigation.

“NCIC therefore called upon its members upon becoming aware of them being under its investigation to furnish it with details of investigation within the stipulated period. The letters requested the contractors to furnish the council with the necessary documentation in support of the matters under investigation,” Phiri said.

She further said,  before suspension the council followed an elaborate process of giving the contractors an opportunity to be heard as provided for under section 27 of the NCI Act.

The plundering of public resources at Capitol Hill which came to light after thugs shot former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo has left the country in doom as all major donors have suspended aid to Malawi.


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