New Labor Party president Friday Jumbe has described the current
presidential debates as a road show that will not add any value on the
country’s political platform.

Jumbe who opposed the debate’s task force earlier decision to
disqualify those parties failing to raise at least 19 parliamentary
seat aspirants, has however confirmed to take part.
In an interview, Jumbe blamed the debate’s set up as he felt the
organizers were not giving enough time for them to expound their

Jumbe has since branded it as a road show which will not achieve
tangible results as people do not get enough clarifications from
contestants who are given two minutes to speak.
“Really I do not think these debates will take us anywhere, do you
think a leader can express how his or her party will do on economics
in two minutes, is it practical?” wondered Jumbe.

He has since openly said him and perhaps all other presidential
aspirants participating in these debates could continue doing so just
to make Malawians feel they are not shunning it.

The presidential debate organizing task force was contemplating of
trimming the participants by disqualifying those who have less than 19
aspirants on parliamentary seats, but the idea was withdrawn after
some quarters had strongly opposed it.

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