Prophet Austin Liabunya has reiterated his remarks er er prophecy that current President Joyce Banda will suffer a defeat in the elections that are currently underway.

In a Facebook post, the Prophet has reminded Malawians of the prophecy he gave in 2011 which said something about the 2014 elections not going in the favour of the incumbent.

Liabunya who has been changing prophecies lately moving from his past prophecy to create another one arguing that God has been changing his mind is remembered for prophesying that Mutharika will win today’s elections.

This morning, Liabunya posted on his Facebook page that as he had prophesied earlier, this year’s elections had problems and were marred by irregularities but still the outcome would be that President Banda would relinquish the seat.

Malawi elections has been awash with prophecies and the nation awaits which one made the correct prophecy.

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