Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Field Director Ben Phiri has denied being behind Former Deputy Minister of Local Government  Godfrey Kamanya’s suicide.

Phiri was reacting to the claims of the suicide note left by Kamanya before shooting himself in his residence yesterday.

According to the note which was read out to Journalist by President Joyce Banda during a Press briefing, Kamanya claimed that he received death threats from Ben Phiri and Mayi Makuta of DPP.

But Phiri wonder as to why he could want Kamanya dead.

“If Kamanya really wrote the letter and meant what he was saying I believe he would have made sure it had enough substance to convince the Malawi nation that someone really wanted him dead. I also believe Kamanya would not lie about the reasons for his death,”

Kamanya shot himself  in the early hours of yesterday and his body is being laid to rest today in Lilongwe area 18 cemetery.

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