By Andrew Kamwambi (FaceofMalawi)

FAM President: Walter Nyamilandu
I wish to salute the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) for the lasting lashing punishment to the NOMADS FC and its fans for the havoc and hooliganism that erupted during their game against Red Lions in a super league encounter played at the Kamuzu Stadium. Much as assertions about the incompetence of the officiating team are true but that did not warrant the fans to go on rampage, exchanging missiles with the Police. It must be noted that it is incidents as such that have robbed the nation of some prestigious trophies like the famous Carlsberg Cup. It was the same team that contributed to the demise of that trophy and we would not be proud this time around to note that it’s the fans of the very same team (NOMADS) who would want a repeat of the Carlsberg saga.

Some teams in the super league have shared sentiments that playing against the Defence force teams (Moyale, Red Lions, Cobbe, Mafco) can sometimes be challenging as the soldiers usually play the ancient rough type of soccer unlike the other soft teams within the league, but this did not warrant the Wanderers fans to cause havoc; smashing peoples cars, exchanging stones with the police who re iterated with tear gas canisters hurting the innocent in the process.

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