Kamuzu Stadium is the venue that has been chosen as the place where President Peter Mutharika’s inauguration ceremony will take place. It has been slated for this Monday.

Information indicates that after the swearing in of Mutharika today at the High Court chambers in Blantyre, Mutharika will be inaugurated on Monday in the country’s commercial capital where among other things he will be commissioned as the Commander-in-chief of the Malawi Defence Forces (MDF) and will observe a military parade mounted in his honour.

Mutharika is also expected to be handed over the symbolic Presidential sword by former President Joyce Banda.

Meanwhile it is not known the foreign dignitaries that will attend the event on Monday. Today’s swearing in ceremony seemed rushed as there were no other dignitaries.

The DPP has therefore indicated that Monday is another day on its calendar to celebrate the win of its Presidential candidate after trouncing other eleven candidates.

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