The country’s former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali has congratulated the President-elect Professor Peter Mutharika and the new Vice President Saulosi Klaus Chilima and urged all Malawians to support them.

He said this through a statement posted on his facebook page.

Kachali also thanked former President Joyce Banda for giving him an opportunity to serve as the country’s Vice President.

“I would like to sincerely thank our former President Dr. Joyce Banda, for giving me the opportunity to serve Malawians as their Vice President. Let me also thank all Malawians for your support. I am humbled and will always cherish and be proud of you, fellow countrymen. I ask that you should offer the same support to our new Vice President as we endeavour to build our nation”, reads the statement.

Kachali further thanked his followers from Mzimba district for the continued support.

“As for my followers in Mzimba, thanks for your continued trust in my leadership. I leave you with this quote from the Great Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi ‘It’s the choice and not the fruit of the choice that’s important’. We have to strive to make the right choices and lead ourselves into the right direction”. I hope I have tried to do that”, added the statement.

Mutharika is the first President  in the history of Malawi to be sworn-in in Court.

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