Ugly scenes of May 20 tripartite election have left Pupils of Kapeni Demonstration in Blantyre with no hope as it is now close to a month since pupils saw the face of a teacher in front of them.

This is so due to the torching of learning and teaching materials that happened during the polling day by angry electorate.

“Pupils have not been learning because all teaching and learning materials the school were burnt on elections days. We don’t know where to start from since there is literally nothing to use for teaching,” said Jonhson Chapita one of the teachers.

He disclosed teachers keep learners progress reports, lesson plans, chalk boards, books among others in the staff room for easy access.

Speaking in an interview on the matter, Director of Basic Education in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Joseph Chimombo said the problem was perpetrated by the community’s hostility towards the school.

Kapeni, Nkolokoti, Makata, Chitsime, Namiyango primary schools in Blantyre were among the school victim to irate voters who destroyed staff rooms

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