One of the key tools to break the cycle of poverty is education! FINCA Malawi recently participated in National Financial literacy Week with a donation of monetary prizes. The cash donation was made during the launch of the national financial literacy week by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (central bank). National Financial Literacy Week is aimed at imparting knowledge to empower people with the skills to budget, save and invest their finances wisely. To this end, the Reserve Bank of Malawi arranged for managers (and employees) of the banking sector, insurance and pension and microfinance sector to deliver financial literacy to the nation.

The four winning students were featured on the most popular Zodiak radio station and national MBC television. FINCA like other financial institutions hosted walk-in customers for the one-week period and provided financial literacy information which was prepared by the central bank.

Ensure people are able to budget, save and invest their finances wisely.

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