The government of Peter Mutharika has set up a trap in the way of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) if the latter insists that the Cashgate report be discussed first as reported in the media today.

The MCP has indicated that as a party they are not willing to discuss the supplementary budget until after the Cashgate report is discussed.

However, the DPP government has put in incentives in the budget for civil servants. The incentives are eventually going to influence the civil servants in wishing to see that the budget is passed.

The trick that Mutharika has used is similar to the one that his late brother used when the MCP leadership of then, under JZU Tembo wanted to have Section 65 first before the budget.

The current MCP leadership has indicated that the Cashgate findings they want to see discussed is not only the one that transpired in the PP led regime but it should stretch from as far as the time that the DPP was in power.

Meanwhile, reports have indicated that once the Finance Minister tables the supplementary budget this coming Friday, the DPP will appear ready to discuss the budget and if the MCP puts an argument against it, the DPP will use the old argument that the MCP is against the budget.

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