Intra Energy Corporation Ltd, active in the coal sector in East Africa, with a strong anchoring in Malawi, booming with a steady growth of its coal sales which reached 9% in the fourth quarter of 2014.

She announced on July 3 had sold 66,969 tonnes in the June quarter 2014 representing an increase of 9% compared to the previous quarter, double the 33,909 tonnes sold in June 2013. The company, listed on ASX, welcomes such a performance despite the low tonnage in April and May due to heavy rains and the delayed activities important Tanzanian cement which has resumed its supply in June from the subsidiary Tancoal Energy Ltd. startup.

Intra Energy attributed, in part, the growth of sales increased deliveries in June at the subsidiary Malcoal Malawi, thanks to the start of seasonal sales to agricultural industries. This improvement can be maintained through contracts with new customers, especially in Kenya, said the Australian company.

Intra Energy Corporation Ltd would total, Malawi, 62.3 Mt of JORC resources, 13.6 Mt of measured resources, 18.8 Mt of indicated resources and 29.9 Mt of inferred category.

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