The ruling Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) has distanced itself from the fracas that erupted during the election of Blantyre City Mayor at Blantyre Civic Centre last week, saying the perpetrators of the violence are not genuine supporters of the party.

This has been disclosed through a statement released on Tuesday assuring Malawians that the Party will bring to book all the people involved in the fracas.

DPP supporters who were seen dressed in Party garments tried to disrupt the election. They were involved in running battles with the police, querying the missing of DPP Councilor Luis Ngalande’s name on the contestants’ list for the mayoral elections.

Meanwhile, the party has commended the Blantyre City Members of Parliament, Councilors and other DPP functionaries who took swift action to restore peace and calm, law and order, all of which eventually allowed the City officials to conduct peaceful and credible elections for the Mayor of the City of Blantyre.

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