Barely two days after the fire raised down Tsoka market leaving the Vendors hopeless.

Reports reaching FaceofMalawi states that President Professor Author Peter Mutharika has instituted a Ministerial Committee to look into the cause of the fire that gutted Tsoka Market and Mzuzu Market .

Deputy Press Secretary to the President Timpunza Mwansambo confirmed of the development through a statement issued to the press.

According to the statement, the ministerial Committee will look into the causes of the fires and come up with up with interventions that would effectively and sufficiently assist victims as well as come up with strategies that will help to avoid future occurrences of the same.

The Ministerial Committee which starts its work with immediate effect comprises of Minister of Local Government and Rural Development- Chairperson Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development Minister of Trade and Industry Minister of Labor and Man Power Development Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security.

The President has further directed that the committee should present its findings and make recommendations within one month.

Within the space of about 30days the country has registered more than five fire incidences raising suspicion among Malawians.

Meanwhile Malawians are keenly waiting for what the committee is going to establish and what measures will be taken by government.

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