Malawi President Peter Mutharika said Tuesday that his government will increase patrols in border districts as one of the ways of preventing the Ebola disease from spreading into the country.He told journalists in Lilongwe on arrival from 34th Southern Africa Community (SADC) Summit in Zimbabwe that there are many people entering the country using unchartered routes which poses a great risk the country.

“We need to tighten up security in these border districts because it is dangerous for Malawi just to let the illegal immigrants enter the country without any screening,” he said.

He said the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health and Department of Immigration would make sure that the borders are secured and people living in these districts are sensitized on the dangers of aiding people to enter through illegal means.

During the week-end police in bordering district of Karonga arrested over 50 Ethiopians who entered the country through unchartered routes.

However, Malawi receives over 200 immigrants in a month from the horn of Africa.

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